When you decide to go all low carb, you are a very confusing person to a great many people. Some immediately curse you and your black magic (I kid you not. Some people who hear how I eat have the most negative reaction I've ever seen. You'd think I'm on the "Smoke Crack" Diet or perhaps the "Sacrifice Carbs to Satan" diet) and others will volunteer their inability to follow the low carb lifestyle, because OBVIOUSLY I really wanted to know that they couldn't POSSIBLY live with out carbs. That's what "No thank you" to the cake they offered me ACTUALLY means.
I am soon asked many questions about my people and our customs. What if I were on a desert island and there was only loafs and loafs of bread. What would I do? Aren't I afraid that I'm going to get fat in a month or 2? ATKINS DIED FROM EATING TOO MUCH FAT!
I assure you, this is just the tip of the iceberg lettuce. (Get it!?) But alas, this is your new life when you low carb it. What I've learned to do is explain to people this isn't a phase or wacky idea. This is a lifestyle choice. I don't fear getting fat because I'm not doing anything to get me fat. I'm not "dieting" per say. I'm eating whats best for me. You can't say a man who just had a rib eye steak for breakfast "dieting." It's just not possible.
I don't have the energy to educate everyone I run into who watches too much Oprah or "has a friend who's a dietitian who says that low carb is dangerous! Ketosis can KILL YOU!" I know, I know. I'm on deaths doorstep. That's why I'm losing all this weight! It's because I'm DYING! It's like AIDS, but worst. Thank God someone was smart enough to tell me about it otherwise I might continue this horrendous life of perfect blood glucose readings and weight loss.
I don't have the energy to educate everyone I run into who watches too much Oprah or "has a friend who's a dietitian who says that low carb is dangerous! Ketosis can KILL YOU!" I know, I know. I'm on deaths doorstep. That's why I'm losing all this weight! It's because I'm DYING! It's like AIDS, but worst. Thank God someone was smart enough to tell me about it otherwise I might continue this horrendous life of perfect blood glucose readings and weight loss.
Sorry. My sarcasm meter is on HIGH today. I will make sure to update more often so that when i do show up here I'm not so mean ;).
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